Here, you find a list of previous VEPOSSSS presentations.

Jump to year 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.

Seminars in the first half of 2024

10 January:

Bronwyn Cahill (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, IOW, Germany)
Deconstructing co-occurring marine heatwave and phytoplankton bloom events in the Arkona Sea in 2018
(Chair: Markus Reinert)


24 January at 13 UTC:

Chunhua Qiu (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
The deformation characteristics and mechanisms of mesoscale eddy
(Chair: Jen-Ping Peng)



7 February:

Christopher Unsworth (Bangor University, UK)
Accelerated Seabed changes due to offshore wind infrastructure
(Chair: Markus Reinert)
Website of the corresponding project


21 February:

Natasha Lucas (British Antarctic Survey, BAS, UK)
Turbulence and coherent structure characterisation in a tidally energetic channel
(Chair: Markus Reinert)


6 March:

Mira Schmitt (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany)

Diurnal Warm Layers - Can we find a parameterization for climate models (and is it necessary)?

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)


20 March:

Knut Klingbeil (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany)

A rigorous derivation of the Water Mass Transformation framework, the relation between mixing and diasurface exchange flow, and links to recent theories in estuarine research

Chair (Hans Burchard)



Beginning of Daylight Saving Time in Europe: VEPOSSSS at 14 UTC

3 April:

Aditi Mitra (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)

Transport timescales in the Dutch Wadden Sea - results from a multidecadal model analysis

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


17 April:

Soeren Ahmerkamp (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany)

From single sand grains to continental shelves: Bridging microscale mass transfer and microbial activity across scales

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


15 May:

Vera Sidorenko (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany)

Tidally driven tracers transport in the German Bight

(Chair: Lars Umlauf)


29 May:

Siren Rühs (IMAU, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Impact of waves on surface particle dispersal simulations

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


12 June:

Magnus Hieronymus (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute):

Hypsographic control on the diapycnal flow in the Eastern Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


26 June:

Jeancarlo Fajardo Urbina (University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

A deep learning method to predict the transport of passive tracers in coastal environments

(Chair: Hans Burchard)



10 July:



Summer break!


11 January:

Sam Hartharn-Evans (Newcastle University, UK)

“Internal Solitary Waves in Ice Covered Waters”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)

Short introduction on YouTube


25 January:

Louis Clement (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK)

“Cessation of Labrador Sea Convection by Freshening through (Sub)mesoscale Flows”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)


8 February:

Alexander Osadchiev (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia)

“Structure and Circulation of Atlantic Water Masses in the St. Anna Trough in the Kara Sea”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)



22 February:

Oliver Tooth (University of Oxford, UK)

“A Lagrangian perspective on the strength and seasonality of the subpolar North Atlantic overturning circulation”

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)

Abstract and references


8 March:

Erin Thomas (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

“Characterizing Upper Ocean Temperature Structures in the European Arctic: Self-Organizing Mapping for Model Validation”

(Chair: Hans Burchard)



22 March:

Jiping Liu (University at Albany, State University of New York, USA)

New perspectives on lowest Antarctic sea ice record broken for the second year in a row

(Chair: Hans Burchard)



5 April:

Claudia Wekerle (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany)

“Ocean heat flux drives basal melt of the 79°North Glacier”

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)



19 April:

Odilon Joel Houndegnonto (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)

“Upper Ocean staircases thermohaline stratification of far field Congo freshwater plume”

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)


3 May:

Jonathan Sharples (University of Liverpool, UK)

“Internal tides and nutrient fluxes over the mid-Atlantic Ridge: exporting shelf sea concepts to the open ocean”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)



17 May:

Amala Mahadevan (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)

“The source depth of coastal upwelling”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)


31 May:

Michela De Dominicis (National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK)

“Extreme storms, sea level rise and nature-based coastal defences in the Pearl River Delta (China)”

(Chair: Hans Burchard)



14 June:

Hadi Bordbar (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)

“Low confidence in multi-decadal trends of wind-driven upwelling across the Benguela upwelling system due to internal climate variability”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)


12 to 13 September:

VEPOSSSS face-2-face meeting on “Shelf Seas: Threats, Opportunities and Challenges” in Menai Bridge, UK.

More information and programme


4 October:

Nicolas Dettling (Alfred Wegener Institute, AWI, Germany)

Towards parameterising eddy-mediated transport of Warm Deep Water across the Weddell Sea continental slope

(Chair: Markus Reinert)


18 October:

Yiyang Xu (Boston University, USA)

Where would the water go: Coastal Landscape Evolution and Prediction

(Chair: Lloyd Reese, IOW)

Abstract and Paper


1 November at 15 UTC/GMT, 16 CET, 8 PDT (end of Daylight Saving Time in Europe):

Robert Sanchez (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA)

Relative roles of plume and coastal forcing on the exchange flow of Sermilik Fjord, Greenland

(Chair: Elizabeth Brasseale)


15 November:

Berkay Basdurak (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)

A Local Eddy Viscosity Parameterization for Estuarine Exchange Flow: Stratification & Wind Entrainment

(Chair: Markus Reinert)




29 November:

Leonie Barghorn (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, IOW, Germany)

Changes in Seasonality of Saltwater Inflows Caused Exceptional Warming Trends in the Western Baltic Sea

(Chair: Markus Reinert)



13 December:

Gordon Zhang (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI, USA)

Stratification Breakdown in Antarctic Coastal Polynyas

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


December 14:

Chris Whitwell (University of Western Australia, Perth)

“The long-term variability of ocean mixing on the Australian North West Shelf”

(Chair: Jen-Ping Peng)


November 30:

Jack McSweeney (Stony Brook University, USA)

“Temperature Variability in Delaware Estuary”

(Chair: Elizabeth Brasseale)


November 16:

Julia Muchowski (Stockholm University, Sweden)

“How to visualize and quantify stratified turbulence with acoustics”

(Chair: Lars Umlauf)

Paper and Abstract


November 2:

Jennifer Dingwall (University of Cambridge, UK)

“Modelling the accumulation of buoyant particles under wind-driven and convective turbulence using large-eddy simulations”

(Chair: Elizabeth Brasseale)


October 19:

Hans Burchard (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)

“Decomposition of estuarine circulation and residual stratification under land-fast sea ice”

(Chair: Markus Reinert)



July 20:

Carine van der Boog (JPL, California Institute of Technology):

"Seasonal variability of the ocean circulation on the northwestern Greenland shelf"

(Chair Julie Pietrzak)



July 6:

Adrian Jenkins (Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK):

"A Simple Diagnostic Model of the Circulation Beneath an Ice Shelf"

(Chair Hans Burchard)


June 22:

Elin Darelius (University of Bergen, Norway):

"Observational evidence for on-shelf transport of Warm Deep Water driven by local dense water export in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica"

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


June 8:

Richard Pawlowicz (University of British Columbia, Canada):

"Lagrangian approaches to understanding dispersion in coastal regions"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)



May 25:

Jeff Carpenter (Helmholtz Center Hereon, Germany):

"The mixing of shelf seas by offshore wind farm foundations"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)



May 11:

Iestyn Woolway (University of Bangor, Wales):

"Lakes in a changing climate: physical responses and ecological consequences"

(Chair Tom Rippeth)


April 27:

Charitha Pattiaratchi (The University of Western Australia, Australia):

"Tsunami waves in the Indian Ocean from the Hunga Tonga-hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)


April 13:

Alexander Osadchiev (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences):

"Water exchange between the Gulf of Ob and the Kara Sea during ice-free seasons: the roles of river discharge and wind forcing" [paper]

(Chair Hans Burchard)


March 30:

Leo Middleton (Cambridge University/WHOI, USA):

"Estimating dissipation rates due to double-diffusive convection using CTD data" [paper] [paper] [paper] [paper]

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


March 16:

Berkay Basdurak (Middle East Technical University, Turkey):

"A Local Eddy Viscosity Parameterization for Estuarine Exchange Flow"

(Chair Hans Burchard)




March 02:

Pauline Tedesco (Imperial College, London, UK):

"Mesoscale eddy kinetic energy budgets and transfers between vertical modes in the Agulhas Current"

(Chair Hans Burchard)



February 16:

Tom Rippeth (Bangor University, UK):

"Turbulent mixing in a changing Arctic Ocean" [paper]

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


February 02:

Kirstin Schulz (University of Texas, Austin, USA):

"The response of diapycnal nutrient fluxes to a changing eastern Arctic Ocean" [paper]

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


January 19:

Lars Umlauf (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany):

"Modeling hydrodynamic control on sediment-water fluxes"

(Chair Hans Burchard)


January 05:

Hans Burchard (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany):

"The vertical structure and entrainment of subglacial melt water plumes" [paper]

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


December 08:

Stephen Monismith (Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Standford University, USA):

"Waves and flows on a coral reef beach and in the adjoining lagoon"

(Chair Tom Rippeth)


November 24:

Alexander Yankovski (School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA):

"Supercritical cross-shelf buoyant plumes driven by upwelling winds"

(Chair Hans Burchard)


November 10:

Bronwyn Cahill (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany):

"Seasonal Impact of Water Constituents on Radiative Heat Transfer in the Western Baltic Sea"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)


October 27:

Charitha Pattiaratchi (University of Western Australia, Perth, Austriala)

"The role of oceanographic processes in the transport of nurdles: case study from the Indian Ocean"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)


October 13:

Yangxin He (University of Waterloo, Canada):

"Effects of an along-shelf current on the generation of internal tides near the critical latitude"

(Chair Yueng Lenn)


September 29:

Jo Hopkins (National Oceanographic Centre, Liverpool, UK):

"Control of a phytoplankton bloom by wind‐driven vertical mixing and light availability"

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


September 15:

Kristin Burmeister (Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, United Kingdom), Franziska U. Schwarzkopf, Arne Biastoch, Peter Brandt, Joke F. Lübbecke, Willi Rath, Mark Inall

"How do different wind forcing products impact the zonal current variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean?"

(Chair Hans Burchard)



June 30:

Peter Holtermann (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Germany):

"The role of boundary mixing for diapycnal oxygen fluxes"

(Chair Lars Umlauf)


June 16:

Andreas Münchow (University of Delaware, USA):

"Coastal ocean observations and their climate impacts around Greenland"

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


June 02:

Ilker Fer (University of Bergen, Norway):

"Structure and drivers of ocean mixing north of Svalbard, Arctic Ocean" [pdf]

(Chair Yueng-Djern Lenn)


May 19:

Jody Klymak (University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada):

"Cross shelf exchange catalyzed by a submarine canyon"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)


May 05:

Ali Mashayek (Imperial College London, UK):

"Shear coincidence: optimal shear-induced ocean turbulent mixing"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


April 21:

Kirstin Schulz (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany):

"A new mechanism for turbulent mixing and the formation of an intermediate nepheloid layer above the Siberian continental shelf break"

(Chair: Lars Umlauf)


April 7: Surprise lecture: One year of VEPOSSSS

John Simpson (University of Bangor, UK): 

"The annual cycle of energy input, modal excitation and physical plus biogenic turbulent dissipation in a temperate lake" [paper]

(Chair: Hans Burchard)



March 24:

Johannes Gemmrich (University of Victoria, BC, Canada):

"Extreme near-shore surface waves"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


March 10:

Carine van der Boog (TU Delft, The Netherlands):

"Thermohaline staircases and their mixing in the ocean"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)


February 24:

Reiner Steinfeldt (University of Bremen, Germany):

"Decadal changes of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic"

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)


February 10:

Sophie-Berenice Wilmes (University of Bangor, Wales, UK):

"Vertical mixing and carbon isotopes in the glacial Atlantic"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)



January 27:

Hannah Byrne (Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden)

"Tides: A key environmental driver of osteichthyan evolution and the fish-tetrapod transition?"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)



January 13:

Sophie Ward (University of Bangor, Wales, UK):

"Nonlinear landscape and cultural response to sea-level rise"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)

[paper] [conversation article]


December 16:

Evridiki Chrysagi (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)

"High-resolution simulations of submesoscale processes in the Baltic Sea: The role of storm events"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)


December 2:

Jen-Ping Peng (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)

"Frontal dynamics and turbulence in the upwelling filament under diurnal effects"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


November 18:

Madison Shankle (University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK)

"Can coupled 1D NPZ + Turbulence closure models predict primary production along the Arctic Beaufort Gyre continental slope?"

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)


November 4:

Sam Hartharn-Evans (Newcastle University, UK)

"Shoaling internal solitary waves: Is stratification type important?"

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)


October 21

Laurent Amoudry (NOC Liverpool, UK)

"Effects of hydrokinetic turbines on flow and sediment dynamics"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)


October 14:

Fatemeh Chegini (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany)

Processes of stratification and de-stratification during an extreme river discharge event in the German Bight ROFI

[paper] [paper]

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


October 7:

Hadi Bordbar (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany)

"The role of coastal Ekman transport versus off-shore ocean dynamics in regulating the Benguela Upwelling System"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)


September 30:

Alexa Griesel (University of Hamburg, Germany)

"Eddy diffusivities (in the Benguela upwelling region)"

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)


September 23:

Xiaoyan Wei (National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK)

"Unravelling tidal asymmetric vertical mixing in a short, periodically stratified estuary"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


September 16:

Zhiyu Liu (Xiamen University, China)

"On thermocline mixing at low latitudes"

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)

[Presentation] [paper1] [paper2] [paper3] [paper4] [paper5] [paper6]


July 29 to September 9: Summer break


July 22:

John Huthnance (National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK)

"Oceanic density/pressure gradients and slope currents"

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)

Full paper [pdf]


July 15:

Kevin Lamb (University of Waterloo, Canada)

"Numerical Simulations of Internal Wave Generation on the Peruvian Shelf"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)


July 8:

Mattias Green (University of Bangor, Wales, UK)

"How tides made Venus habitable"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)


July 1:

Vasyl Vlasenko and Nataliya Stashchuk (University of Plymouth)

"Internal tides over seamounts: Do they control deep-water communities?"

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)

Related papers: Stashchuk et al. (2018), Vlasenko et al. (2018)


June 24:

Jeff Carpenter (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany)

"Turbulence measurements in storms using gliders"

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)

Related papers: Schultze et al. (2017), Schultze et al. (2020)

Book on Instability in Geophysical Flows text book: Smyth & Carpenter (2019)


June 17:

Mark Inall (The Scottish Association for Marine Science)

"Shelf Seas Pycnocline Turbulence and Associated Forcing Mechanisms - the role of friction in the bottom boundary"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)


June 10:

Lars Umlauf (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany)

"Frontal instability and energy dissipation in a submesoscale upwelling filament"

(Chair: Tom Rippeth)

Related paper: [pdf]


June 3:

Charita Pattiaratchi (University of Western Australia)

"Dense shelf water cascades"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)

Full article: paper1, paper2


May 27:

Yoeri Dijkstra (Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands)

"A unifying approach to subtidal salt intrusion modelling in tidal estuaries"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)


May 20:

Julie Pietrzak (Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands)

"The near to mid-field plume of the Rhine ROFI; fronts, jumps and internal waves"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)

Related papers:

[paper1], [paper2], [paper3], [paper4]


May 13:

Yueng-Djern Lenn (University of Bangor, Wales, UK)

"Tracking Atlantic Water Heat anomalies from the Atlantic to the Arctic"

(Chair: Jonathan Sharples)


May 6:

Johannes Becherer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geethacht, Germany)

"Turbulence and energy flux from saturated internal tides over the inner continental shelf"

(Chair: Yueng-Djern Lenn)


April 29:

Jonathan Sharples (University of Liverpool, UK)

"Internal tides on the shelf: will stronger stratification reduce upper ocean mixing?"

(Chair: Julie Pietrzak)

Full article: Link


April 22:

Tom Rippeth (University of Bangor, Wales, UK) with Natasha Lucas, Christian Buckingham and the OSMOSIS team as coauthors

"Submesoscales: what's the fuss?"

(Chair: Hans Burchard)

The main results to be discussed: link, link

ADCP structure function method: link, link

Reynolds stress in a channel: link

Internal tide mixing: link


April 15:

Hans Burchard (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany)

„Effective diahaline diffusivities in estuaries“

(chair: Tom Rippeth)

The main results to be discussed: download manuscriptdownload presentation

Universal law of estuarine mixing: link